uh i'm just....

Foto saya
hello, call me Nisa, 13 years old, i heart my bigFamily, Friends& someone named 'Indra Saputra' a big fan of Ryan Sheckler. thanks for visit, this is my own blog. well, keep reading &...enjoy it!

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

flower text

assalamu'alaikum...............puasa nih *laperpalerlaper* sambil nunggu buka gue iseng2 aja deh bikin ini.......sgt standard tp iklas kok bikinnya *iyalah org gampang* -_-



~ini baru bener

22 ♥ 

22210 :) #ismile when.....i'm with you

♥ Indra

waaaaaaaaaaa LAPEEEEEEEEEEER O.O oke ganyambunkkkkz. ah gmn nih lapwer~ mau makan kwetiaw niccccc-_-

udahan ah post nya gajelaz, maaf yah skip aja deh. CIA - O

YANG MAU COBA BIKIN, CHECK AJA........http://www.imagechef.com

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010


Holla, gue lagi libur nih, lo libur gak? engga? WAAAAA DL :p eh gue mau share ininih liat deh, sbnrnya design baju gt tapi gemes bgt mau nampol(?) 

cute kannnnnn? IYALAH KAYA GUE -_-


Jumat, 23 Juli 2010


hello readers! missing me? i'm really happy 'cs the answer is............NO! what? NO?! sucks-.- 
yep! i wanna share about my daily activity from Monday till Friday. Check it!

Monday, Jul 19, 2010
Hari pertama bljr efektif, aaa kgn masa2 MOS bgt!!! && baru hari pertama aja udh ada bnyk tugas ha-ha *senyumlebar* oke hari itu gapenting skip lah, ohiya bntr mulai dr tgl 19 itu indra jd sombong, cie sibuk cie cie uhuy.

Tue, Jul 20, 2010
Selasa.........dpt tes dr pak imam, and you mst knw peraturan di kls dia p-p-pa-pan-panj-panja-panjan-panjangbgt!!!!! huah pusing abis gela kls 9. oke ini juga gue udh agak lupa EHE EHE. ohiya hari itu Yumna&Putri main kerumah sekalian nyiapin hadiah buat kak dimas dr si yumyumn. gue kerja bakti tuh sm putri bantuin yumna, &&&& alhamdullilah hasilnya bagus^^ sorry gue lupa mengabadikan(?) so i cant share with y'all.

Wed, Jul 21, 2010
first thing i wanna tell you, HAPPYANNIVERSARY for my cutie @yumyumn &kak @dimasewong langgeng sampe beruban ya :D Second, HappyAnniv @fadillasyabania &kak @antoniusmhndr longlast teyusss :p hari ini gue nyetak foto ke SS yg didkt rumah brg yumna,putri,yuvira. then kerumah gue...........mengedit sedikit bukunya. trs lgsg caw ke Chubby, disana udh ada kak anton sm kak dimas, okedeh yumna pcrn. gue? cengo-_- skippppp>>>>

Thu, Jul 22, 2010
SYALALALADUDUDU! i'm so glad today, HappyAnniversary for @indrasaputra and Me!!!! iloveyou with all my heart<3 class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153);">Inception, ohpls td nya gue mau masukin foto2nya tp mls bgt........muuph^^ trs gue ngsh cupcake gt hooo skip lah akoemaloe~

I can't deny, you're the best i ever had. ✗o✗o♥♡

Fri, Jul 23, 2010
HAPPYBIRTHDAY my little sister, i hope you'll be a nice daughter for our beloved parents, be a nice&cute sister for Aliya&Me. Iloveyouxomucccccccch! Allah bless you always dek :) then, HappyBirthday Dindaaaaaaaaa, wish you all the best beauty, love you!!!!! nih nih twitternya @adindampp cantik loh, di check dulu kalo gprcy :p 

i think it's e-n-o-u-g-h. BYE

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

called "indra"

Gmorning people, today i wanna share about my boyfriend ;p 

Yea, i have a boyfriend named Sukmaindra Damasaputra well you can call him Indra he's a really cute guy, freak, hotheaded, sensitive, sweet, romantic, whoa i can't stop talking, when i describe about him, i'm officially being his Girlfriend since Feb 22, 2010 :P i'm so glad to have him. Actually he was a Playboy, yep he likes play with women's heart, but....lucky me, lately he already change, become a suppaduppa nice boy, and i'd love to be his 4ever *uhuk* hmm, he was good at singing, his voice is pretty good :) he also likes to read Al- Qur'an &sometimes he remembered his God. Now he'll register to study at 31 SHS. he's very smart at mingle with new people, that's why he has many friends. i dont know why i'm so in love with him~ i can accept his shortcomings &i always try to understand about his condition. THE LAST.... if you take him from me, i'll bite and strangle you!! okay its enough...

c'mon see his pict!!!!!!

see? i really addict with u & 22 :D

1st Anniversary

i hate the fact that, he's a heavy smoker!

he's often pray *alimkan?*

he is a singer, i love his voice!

               don't know why i love this pict ;)

p.s : iloveyousomuchindra!!!!!


Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

tomorrow's 22♥

goodnite dude! how are you? today i wanna post about tomorrow!!!! i'm so glad......why? tomorrow's my 3rd anniversary with @indrasaputra HAHA, yepppppp as you knw i love him so damn much :3 wish me...get longlast guys! 

oke karena gue takut gasempet ngepost ttg anniv jd ngepostnya skrg aja ya....gpp kan? lbh cpt lebih ba?ik :p 

Joyeux anniversaire troisième mois cher, je voudrais nous obtiendrons de longue durée. pas plus la lutte s'il vous plaît, vous avez rempli ma vie avec tant d'amour et de bonheur, je suis tellement chanceuse de vous avoir ;D

lots of love,

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

the most precious person!

hey blogger! whats up? *ecece today i wanna tell you about "the most precious person in my life" yeah, they're gimme a lot of fun and enjoy. wanna know? check it!

1.Bunda : she's my everything and i love her so damn muchmuchmuch, no one can replace her in my heart you're the super mom ever!!!! and i swear i'll make you proud of me mom :'D

2.Ayah : he's my everything too, and i also love him so damn muccccch, you're the kindest boy in my life, gimme an energy to trough my day!

3.Aliya : my shawty sister, actually she's very annoying but i love her so much! trust me sisttt :)

4.Aura : my little sister, she's very cute and i heart her a lottttt

5. Hany : my cousin, maybe my powerful cousin she's strong like "superwoman" :p she's a cheerleader suppaduppa cute!

6.Farah : she's my cousin too, fyi she's very smart and she also love her chinese boyfriend so much!

7.Ayu Lathi : she's my beautiful cousin, she's smart and talkative like me:p she's my jogging partner :p 

8.My super 17 -> Putri, Nanda, Mimi, Dede, Angie, Rara, Yuvira, Chacha, Yumna, Anin, Mima, Mutia, Nichan, Rehan, Diaz, Tyo, Ananto. fyi, they're my laugh machine, they're so fuckin' kind and i love them so much, i got many of beautiful and unforgettable memory with them ;)

9. Top 11 -> actually this is my group when i was in elementary, we've lot of unforgettable memory. and until now we're still keep in touch, and damn i miss you all so much :')

10.Sukmaindra Damasaputra : you can call him Indra, hm i dont know why love him so much, and i really dont know what's something make he really special for me. he's cute, kind, and sweet but sometimes he could be very arrogant and hotheaded :p

yep! thats all about the most precious person in my life. who's yours? 

Senin, 03 Mei 2010


excuse me!!!!!!! attention pls :p

hari ini gue bangun jam.......04:48 dan gue bangun garagara kepanasan, knp gue kepanasan? soalnya mati lampu-_- fckoff~ tp grgr mati lampu gue jd bangun pagi, tp pas bangun tuh gelap bgt serasa buta. pas bangun gue mikir "ini knp? apa gue yg buta gt" wxwx tp pas liat hp udah ada 2 mssg 1 mscll brrt gue gabuta dong? yekan? hue. abis liat hp gue mau mandi tp takut soalnya gelap, akhirnya gue diem aja dikasur. trs pas liat hp lagi udah jam 05:38 langsung gue ngibrit ke kamar mbak sul teriak2 minta temenin mandi HAHAHA-.- so stupid, tp akhirnya gue mandi pake senter gt, skip!!!
abis mandi, lgsg nyusun buku, trs brgkt ke 99, ih apatuh 99? sklh gembel, galah canda bgt gitugitu sklh gue wexexexe. trs latian formasi, then the ceremony is already begin!!! huh dag...dig...dug, mana anak kls 1 yg namanya nuril *ups salahnya bnyk bgt lagi, lebay lo taheee *maafkelepasan. abis upacara ya biasa bljr gt, istirahat pertama ya  kaya biasa ngumpul sm temen2 istirahat ke2 jg, trs pas PLKJ bu sitorus gamasuk kls, okay say what? ALHAMDULILLAH! trs gambar2 sm mutia di binder gue yg baru gambar mickey dong(oalah not important) &.....PULANG!!!!! sblm pulang biasa duduk2 di bawah pohon sm anak2 trs tbtb si rehan, tyo, faisal, radi pada ngibrit ke toilet, pas balik si tyo bawa gelas plastik bekas minuman, sambil senyum2 trs nutup idung.. OOO what's wrong with y'all guys? ternyata pipis nya tyo dimasukin ke gelas itu HAHA so annoying, freak, etc gue lari kenceng bgt pas mereka ngejar huahua. abis itu liatin anak2 main basket &pulang :p

this is my story about today, what's ur story? 

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

tired o.O

hellllllllllllo, lama gak posting oke mgkn lo pada ga nunggu postingan baru gue HE HE, tp kgn juga posting blog, huahuhauha. skip laaaaah -->

today was totally tired! guess why?
-bangun jam 6, trs online sampe jam 7 trs mandi &went to schl
-disekolah paskib dr jam 8 - 10.30 &bulakbalik indomart-sekolah-indomart-sekolah-fotocopy
-then, back to home ganti baju
-balik kesekolah ketemu sm indra trs cabs *cie cabs* ke....kemana cb? tebak!!! gading dong :p haha mgkn mnrt lo mall sejuta alay, tp mnrt gue pewe bgt disana bisa bebas gausah jaim, yekan?
-balik kerumah jam stgh7 grgr bokap udh mau ngamuk HOO-..-

jadi....gue kegading naik taxi kan dr depan 21, trs udah pas nyampe gading langsung ke XXI &lomestitaoooooo ngantrinya panja................ng bgt, gabohong galebay, swear!!! akhirnya pas liat antrian yg segitu pjg udh kaya mau ngantri sembako, indra lgsg mls gt lgsg ngajak gue ntn di......21 HAHAHAH, gpp lah ya yg penting disana ada film yg gue mau jg, yg gue tunggu2 dr minggu lalu :p tebak film apa, ayoayo tebak, yappp! you're ryt! IRON MAN 2 hikik, gue ntn yang jam 14:05, nih gambarnya checkcheck

        IRON MAN 2!! cool ;p

sblm ntn gue makan dulu di Burger King, oke awalnya indra gamau makan tp gue paksa, lagian dia masa laper tp mls makan apa2an coba sok kurus abis, ganyadar apa badan udh kaya tengkorak hee, trs pas disana ada nenek2 jatuh grgr lantainya licin wussssh, kasianbgt aku iba kawan. trs gue duduk di BK tempatnya sama persis kaya minggu lalu pas jalan sm indra jg,oke gpntg--' td nya mau makan di sushi tei, tp si busuk gasuka sushi yowes gjddd. next, abs makan lgsg ke 21 dan ternyata.... di 21 aja rame nya naujubilah ya.....o.O gue dpt diatas2 gt ih di C coba bayangkan~ yaudalaaa yg penting non?ton wk, hui keren gakalah keren kok dr IRON MAN 1 nya hiuhiuhu. trs abis nonton gue ikut si indra ke Laterazza, disitu ada kakak kls gue banyak seabrek gubrek gadeng lebay~ trs abis dr situ gue nyari kado buat si @omitamaisya tp gajadi akhirnya gue msh indra sama temen2nya soalnya dia mau futsal &gue....sama putri angie diaz rehan, wokela teman2 ku tercayangtercintaluphyuw kalo gaada mrk gue busuk kali digading-.-
nongkrong2 duduk2 di foodcrt, trs bokap nanyain krn takut gue pulang ajadeh huehueh okelaa. eh pas di taxi ternyata gue dpt kabar kalo hp angie ilang!!! ohmygod, shock!! gue ikutan panik, tp begonya angie malah sedih grgr di hp itu ada foto ray sm alvin, bukan grgr hp nya ilang, hey ngie how you could be so stupid like that? hee, btw turut brduka ya sygggg, smg dpt yg lbh bagus, amin :) 

capeknih, bye hehe kissssssbyemwa :*

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010


hello, i dont have no idea i'm so fuckin bored and i'm so sad ryt now

guess why?

bentar lg indra lulus yakan? trs ntar dia gabakal ada di 99 lg kan? trs dia pst ntar sombong kan? nemu cewe cantik kan? trs guenya gmn? dilupain kan? GAMAU GUE GAMAUUUUUU!!!!! gue msh agak gasiap kalo inget indra bntr lg lulus -lebe- tp serius yaaaa i'm gonna miss you so much when you're in high school. i cant hide it, tau gak knp td aku jutek sm kamu? aku sedih bgt bntr lg km mau lulus. tauga? udah mau nangis itu tddddd, trs pas km ngmg kaya gt td udah berkaca-kaca wey, pas kamu pergi, tumpah semua itu airmata~~ kalo km nangis, aku lebih heboh nangisnyaaaaa :''''( maaf kalo aku punya salah sm kamu, aku sombong kan ya? aaa maaf janji gabakal gt lagiiiii. ahh pokoknya aku sedih :( kamu bljr yg bener dong ya supaya nem nya bagus, kan kalo nem kamu bagus mama papa kamu pst seneng, aku jg ikutan seneng kokkkk. aku takut nih, knp cb takutnya? takut kalo ntar kamu SMA kamu sombong :( ntar kalo km lupa sm aku gmn? jangan gt ya..... udh janji kan sm aku? kalo bohong kuburannya sempit loh. aku selalu doain kamu loh supaya nem kamu bagus, trs bisa masuk 68, 77, atau 21 kamu mau masuk situkan? aku doain nem kamu diatas 37 ndra, amin ya robbal alamin, ahhh tp km hrs ikhtiar dng jgn cm minta do'a-_- ohiya kmrn aku tahajud do'ain km sama anak kls 9 yg lain loh, semoga aja dikabulin sm Allah ;) ah skrg kita lg brntm ya? kamu blm maafin akuuuuu? aku kangen bgt sama kamu indraaaaaaa :'[ maafan yuk? aaaa plspls aku mau otp huhu. aku tau aku salahhh, aku janji bakal berubah :') kita kan baru Anniv eheuheu masa brntmmmm? gaklucu kan? *lucu aja sih*

ehiya, tanggal 22 kemaren gue 1st anniversary sm indra dongggg :) Longlast ya kita, i love you, no more fight okay? 

ehmasa gue ngepost ini kan smbl nungguin limit tp msh tetep aja limit-_- ohmygod lamacekale.

i think its enough, byebye

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010


halo gue iseng nih cm mau bilang....

gue kangen indra EHEHE-,- 
kmrn dia abis marah gara2 gue ngucapin ulangthn ke mantan gue weses lebe ih kamu-..- maaf daiii ;p gak lagilagi. tp udah maafan loh. pas marah sih bilang nya "mulai skrg gausah sms aku sama telfon aku lagi, thx ya, aku sayang bgt sm kamu" ehtaunya kamu kan yg sms duluan :p kena deh aku tuh emg ngangenin HAAAAA~ udah ngantuk nih, gmn dng? tp gamau tidur hu. ohiya congrats mutia sm okka, longlasting guys!!!! ohiya senin bsk gue 1st anniv sama indra hehe, doain langgeng ya ;))

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

late nite-,-

Hello guys, good night hmm maybe its already morning ryt? he he-,- long time no post and i miss my blog so damn much, ahaa i'm gonna change my background later :p okay what r u doing dude? i have no idea, wht shld i do? what time is it? 01:59 am huuu, everybody in my house was sleep, so i'm lonely, somebody pls pick me at home and we're goin' to party-______- kidding. ooo kinda bored here, indra pls call me wk-_- oyea fyi, indra is my new BoyF aaaloveya!! idontcare what people say, i just love you ndraaaa :p many ppl said that he's a jerk, but for me he's a nice boy-,- or it just a lie? oh no, pls i hope you've changed ndra!!!! but i rlly hate him for today, guess what? he didnt reply my mssg uh poor you, what happened to you? myb youre so tired? but pls give me some info, i miss you a lot :[ indrasaputra me.love.you, okay i think its enough to talk about him

.......... yeah i'm stresed out!!!! so many problem in my life #hbu uhhh, god pls help me i cant handle it, uuu i need ur help so much. i hope i can handle it as soon as possible, hear my pray god, pleaseeeeeee :')

YOU WONT BELIEVE IT!!!! Exam is waiting for us, can you imagining? no phone, no internet, no play, no hangout. ohhhh poor me poor me-,- i must study start from now, my boyfriend have reminded me to study hiehiehu, but surely im so lazy to do that-,- but i've promised i'll make my parents proud of me, promise mom.....dad L yaa!!!

CobraStarship live in tennis indoor senayan!!!! msh coming soon deng :p
i wish i can watch them! oh no Gabe you've made me so drunkdrunkdrunk!!!!!

1st. i never study when i'm home-,-
2nd. i never heard my parents saying
3rd. i always spent my money for unimportant things, aaa sorry mom
4th. i've tried to make you changed but i think i cant
5th. i miss someone, but he's only a.......shuttup-,-

#Listening to
1st. down - jay seane ft. lil wayne
2nd. tiktok - kesha
3rd. bad romance - lady gaga
4th. like we used to - a rocket to the moon
5th. baby - justin bieber
6th. meet me halfway - BEP
7th. haven't met you yet - michael buble
8th. never knew i needed - ne-yo
9th. 3 - britney spears
10th. watcha say - jason derulo

-Seafood Ayu
-Cafe du chocolat
-death by chocolate
-pisa cafe
-Wisma gading permai
-Bakso blok S
-Bandar Djakarta
-Pondok sedap malam
-Setiabudi building

lets count a sheep... start from one two three...one ups sorry i mean one two three four five six seven eight nine ten kinda sleepy, bye all have a nicedream xoxo

see ya!