uh i'm just....

Foto saya
hello, call me Nisa, 13 years old, i heart my bigFamily, Friends& someone named 'Indra Saputra' a big fan of Ryan Sheckler. thanks for visit, this is my own blog. well, keep reading &...enjoy it!

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009


nih ya nih ya liat deh, mau liat ga? ga boleh ah, gaboleh -.- boleh deeeenggg hihihi, apabanget lu nis kaya ada yang mau liat aje, yabodo lah, nih pokoknya liat hasil dua karya anak bangsa WAKAKAKAK.

1. Boy, when i see your face
i think, we can be a good friend
then we starts our conversations
i do, adore you to be my best friend
but shit, the fact is i'm falling in love with you

2. I'm amaze when i know you love me too
never thought we can be more than just a good friend

3. But now, you go away run away from my life
without thinking how it hurts
i'm still thinking about you and our memories
can't forget the time we share together
and now i do remember many times you've hurt me
i keep my mouth shout wishing you will realize
that i don't want to see you go

4. Now it's too late
you like another girl 
the worst you know that she's My Best Friend
Damn you, Shit, you know it is hurting me 
is that your plan or something?

5. Back to number 3

6. Do you know, everytime i pray, i always said that
"God please help me, make he realize that i always 
trying to forget him so please make him stop scold me,
makes he know i'm still wanna be his friend"

7. you go away, run away from my life 
without thinking how it hurts
i'm still thinking about you and our memories
i can't forget the time we share together
now, i do remember 
many times you've hurt me 
Damn! i keep my mouth shout
wishing you will realize that i don't want to see you go

8. Hey you shit listen to me!

yang udah baca lagunya, diem aja ya jangan bawel shuuut shuut! okey? jangan bilang gue sok minta dikasianin atau apagituyaa? okeoke ini cuma iseng kok hehe, ini hasil karya gue sama Adriani Putri wawawaa hihi hebat loh dia :D 
ohiya, tolong ya kasih judul yang bagus buat lagunya, kalo udah tau, tulis judulnya di Chat Box! oke? makasih

